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Friday, April 2, 2010

Days: Friday, April 2, 2010

Philip: My father's never been married to someone who hasn't tried to kill someone.
Kate found out about Vivian and Victor's wedding!
Mel:"I'm guessing she did not know this." lmao

Victor to Vivian: "You look like a very old 12." lmao again

Okay, Vivian is too batty to keep up with!
Sydney looks bored with Will. And Will looks like he's Sami's brother.
Loved that. Vivian: "I made a transition from Philip not knowing about the wedding to Philip knowing about the wedding." Whaaaa?!?

Poor Benny is about to spill the bean I believe.

Anna just said she was "Home Free" I'm guessing not for long!

Dude! Nicole is taunting E.J. and just said, "You can't un-ring that bell"
She's going to wear him down until she finds out what he knows isn't she? I can't wait!His Lawyer is not entirely "devoted" to Benny's case is he?
Aawwww, Rafe said he's his best friend!

Aw, Philip you're wrong. This isn't Kate's fault. Victor isn't doing it to pay Kate back. He's doing it to protect Bo.
But now Victor says, "Nothing is more important to me than my relationship with Philip."
He just threatened Vivian with things that would make what she did to Carly seem like pranks.
Then he said, "we don't know that there is going to be a wedding."

Kinsey is still autograph hunting.
Dude she just told off E.J. and he gave her the death stare. She's soooooo going to end up with a horse head in her bed!

Vivian looks like Bette Davis in "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane"
Aw, did Philip just ask Kate to act like a grown-up?
Nicole told E.J. everything that Anna told her. But she told E.J. that he was more interested in what Anna didn't tell her.
Sydney sure does look like she's in on the plan to give the 'rents' some alone time.
Okay, Vivian standing there glaring at Kate is very very creepy. I'd be leaving that place ASAP if she walked in like that!
Hm? What does Victor want with Maggie?
Nicole and E.J. are like a non-violent version of 'The War of the Roses'
Rafe runs again when he's reminded of Sydney.
I really feel sorry for him he has got to have Sami relationship whiplash!

Oh! Kate just grabbed Vivian and shook her for calling Philip her son.
As much fun as Kate in a fight would be, I don't think I want to see Vivian in a knockdown dragout.
Hmmm. Maggie is pulling no punches either.
Victor: I hope we can still be friends.
Maggie: We're friends? lmao
Anna is annoyed with E.J. and feels very secure out of the country.
She better watch her back.
Sydney doesn't look happy that she's at the docks instead of the park.
She also doesn't seem to have an opinion of Nicole one way or the other.
Vivian just said maybe she should get a restraining order on Kate. (Ha! Quit stalking her Viv and you wouldn't have to get a restraining order! lmao)
Hmm. Maggie is trying to figure out Victor's situation.
I wonder what's going to happen when she finds out WHY he thinks it's the best for his family.
Aw, he just told Maggie that Mickey was a lucky man to have her. How sweet is that?
Oh, Kate and Vivian just realized that Philip was gone.
Kate: "I just wish that someone would throw a bucket of water over you and we could all get back to normal."
Sami: You're sad because we're not together.
Why is that Sami? Why are you not together? Could it be because you told him to leave?
I love Sydney's expressions! She's sooo bored.
Sami is getting on my nerves with her Rafe Puppet on a string.Vivian is pretending that she never left the house.
It's funny how Victor actually thought that the marriage would be secret.

I like how Will stopped tipping his head all the way back so that he could keep his eyes on Nicole. Nice touch.
I love Rafe for walking away. It's killing him and he's doing it because it's the right thing.
I have a newfound respect and admiration for Rafe (in this area)
Heeheehee. Stefano found Anna!
This is going to be goooooooooooooood!

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